Heads Up Display
The Heads Up Display (HUD) is a project to create better insights into real-world data for the communications department of the disaster management department of Groningen. This web app leans heavily on external data provided by sources like the RIVM, KNMI, Google and the fire department. The Python collects the data, creates graphs, classifies trends and then color codes the trends according to sentiment. This creates one relatively simple to read collection of colored bars, which will show you at a glance what issues are currently going on.
This application is mainly built in Python. It creates all the graphs and then builds the webpage. The page itself is static to keep it light and secure. It is based on Bootstrap to save time (and money).
This app was built as a proof-of-concept on a 0 dollar budget.
Project Details
Client: Veiligheidsregio Groningen
Date: Summer 2022
Project URL: https://hud.veiligheidsregiogroningen.nl/