One of those projects I always had on my mind but never got around to it. is my blog. I used to have a WordPress install for this. Which was fine. Template on it was fine. It ran fine. But I really wanted to try out making a …
Tinkers and Toymakers
I always wanted to create a place where I could publish my code. Not just here, but a small publishing company just to create fun stuff that I am passionate about. Given my profession, a website is of course a logical place to start. So that’s where this site …
Heads Up Display
The Heads Up Display (HUD) is a project to create better insights into real-world data for the communications department of the disaster management department of Groningen. This web app leans heavily on external data provided by sources like the RIVM, KNMI, Google and the fire department. The Python collects the …
3Noord spokespersons
This web app (pwa) was made for the cooperative disaster management departments in the north of the Netherlands. It contains pre written tweets and social posts for several disaster types. As with many other things, social media content during a crisis is shared between the different governmental organizations in different …
Ukrant (.nl)
Ukrant is the local university newspaper for the RuG in Groningen. I advise them on the technical aspects of their website. When I started out consulting with them, their website was throwing pages full of errors every minute. As a result, the site was suffering blackouts whenever there was a …
Wie is de Bock (.nl)
In the north of the Netherlands there is a longstanding tradition of shooting with carbide. This isn't without some danger. The Veiligheidsregio Groningen along with some of its partners are running a yearly campaign to educate participants in how to do this safely.
Apart from social media channels there needed …