
 · Written by Jeroen

One of those projects I always had on my mind but never got around to it. is my blog. I used to have a WordPress install for this. Which was fine. Template on it was fine. It ran fine. But I really wanted to try out making a static website. Why? Because it is more fun, safer and a heck of a lot quicker. So, that’s what I did.

So static. Lot of work right? Well, yeah. But not as much as you’d think. I’ve used Pelican as a CMS. This Python project creates static files still, but based on a rather charming set of tools. It takes markdown files and creates HTML out of that with a Jinja2 based templating system.

Namary website

Of Course I wanted to create my own template, so that was most of the work. That was made with the help of Bootstrap and some CSS fun.

Just to save some time, I shared some code with this website, my blog and Tinkers and Toymakers. Just to make sure I wouldn’t have to spend too much time just maintaining the websites rather than creating content for it.

Project Details

Client: Me(!)

Date: Spring 2022

Project URL: